Erdogan’s Palace – history and religious matters


Many articles have been published about the new Turkish presidential palace in Ankara. Let’s say this article is a particular one. It compares the so-called “Erdogan” palace with similar ventures in history.

You will learn here that the biggest building projects could have cut or even ended flourishing cultures of the past due to pride & egomania that make leaders incompetent.

Pride & Egomania

In the times when some singular cultures were flourishing, sometimes has happened that their leaders were too much devoted into themselves. Instead of performing governmental tasks seriously (I believe it’s not the case of Erdogan’s Turkey, but this article just wants to warn the people of Turkey and others to be prudent), they excessively invested energy (money and efforts) into megalomanic projects – for glory and leisure. Complacency should never brim over the real greatness of the country – signs of it could be noticed in today Turkey – as it, the history simply tells, may lead to an end in the case of a flourishing culture or to a complete cut in the case of a promising culture (I see Turkey as a promising country that could reach an extraordinary and stable greatness). Complacent behaviour requires effort and blinds leaders. They soon become powerless and the country goes on only with inertia until it breaks down. History tells that it never restores again.

The Holly Warnings

Great leaders of the past that had undertaken big construction, didn’t know the history like we know today, the only clue they could follow were religious texts. But mystic teachings especially in flourishing periods when big building projects started, were ignored or leaders (people) fall into a pride so they simply didn’t feel anything but themselves. With a lack of historical experience, it was not easy for them to act correctly. Only personal or people’s virtues could prevent a flourishing country from undoing. Today it. is much easier – everyone can listen to examples (like described below) that history narrates. First I mention two cases from the holy books.

In the most known religious books, there are examples of pride & egomania related to big building projects when leaders and people tried to take competences of God. First one is a well-known construction of the Tower of Babel and the other one is that of the City of Irem. Both cases were resolved by the intervention of God. When people were constructing the Tower of Babel, God mixed their languages in order to cut communication between them. The city of Irem is probably the most magnificent mythological complex, full of gardens, palaces, which were built of precious materials. The city was located in the desert. God punished constructors and sank the city into the sand.

History warns

Today we do not need to rely (only) on the holly teachings as we have historically approved examples, but in the past, people should have relied on it. We can also say that the leaders and people of the past did mistakes for us – we can now teach from history directly.

Medina al Zahra

Andalusian Caliph started construction of big medina – governmental city. You can visit its ruins in today Spain (near Cordoba). It was magnificent construction as magnificent was the Al Andalusi era. But egomania and pride briefly left the country with no valuable leaders and flourishing Cordoba Caliphate has soon seen its last days.

Alhambra in Granada

Another well-known medina was built on the Sabika hill above the city of Granada. Leaders of extremely flourishing Emirate has undertaken the construction of a palace where they could have a taste of the life from paradise. Unfortunately the taste was so sweet that they have forgotten to govern the Emirate, which has died of tenderness and leisure.

The Palace of Versailles

It was constructed when the Kingdom of France was at the top of its power. It was the symbol of the system of the absolute monarchy. The construction led to the end of Ancient regime era – it finally fell with the French Revolution.

Here I listed three cases of big construction projects which warn thoroughly on its dangers. Others are Dolmabahce, Domus Aurea, … Should Turkey be prudent?

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